Theme Editor: Yves Tiberghien
The G20 took place from November 3 to 4, 2011 in Cannes, France. In a series of Memos we examined the role and impact of the five Asian members (China, India, Japan, Korea, and India).
Memos part of this Theme:
A New Japanese Voice at the G20 (Memo #118, by Yves Tiberghien)
- The G20 Impact on Leaders’ Approval Ratings (Memo #117, by Hugo Dobson)
- At G20: China a Balancer Between US and EU (Memo #116, by Wang Yong)
- G20 and the Five Asian Powers (Memo #115, by Yves Tiberghien)
Related Memos:
- Sino-European Hope for the G20 in 2011 (Memo #63, by Yves Tiberghien). Translation in French available.
See our other Themes