Memo #50
Dear Asia Pacific Memo Readers,
Since July 2010, twice a week, we have published memos of research related to Asia and the Pacific written in an accessible and concise manner. We thank you for your interest and enthusiasm in reading our Memos and watching our video interviews. As of January 2011, Memos are delivered to over 1800 subscribers and our website attracts thousands of visitors per month.
For Memo #50, we have decided to recap our past accomplishments by providing a list of what we have published so far using our new e-newsletter design (see a sample at our Subscribe page). *Unfortunately, the link to our past 50 Memos is no longer available. But if you would like to receive our e-newsletter, you may sign up by entering your email address into the box near the top right side of this page.*
We very much look forward to continuing the development of Asia Pacific Memo in collaboration with our contributors and readers. Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments. You may contact Howard Tsang, Managing Editor, at
Best regards,
Asia Pacific Memo Team
Editorial Board: Paul Evans, Julian Dierkes, Hyung Gu Lynn, Jessica Main
Managing Editor: Howard Tsang
Graduate Assistant Editors: Matthew Bock, Julia Paek
Student Video Editing Assistant: David Bolen