Memo #9
By: Howard Tsang
Susan Ritchie is the Founder of First Steps, a Christian humanitarian NGO addressing childhood malnutrition in North Korea. In this interview, she speaks about the usefulness of the newly launched CanKor blog for humanitarian work. She also discusses how CanKor is an important Canadian source for comprehensive analysis of the DPRK. The Canadian government’s approach to North Korea will only improve with a better understanding of the concerns of Korean Canadians. Overall, she is optimistic about North Korea’s future.
See her 5-part video interview at the Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia.
Updated Notice:
This video interview has been removed.
To see another video interview about North Korea, see Erich Weingartner discuss the re-launch of the Canada-North Korea news service in Memo #3.
Related Memos:
View our other Memos about Canada and North Korea.