Menghadiri Kelas Tuisyen Swasta Di Malaysia: Pemantauan Untuk Kualiti?
Memo #126 – Dewasa kini, menghadiri kelas tuisyen swasta dianggap sebagai satu keperluan utama dalam kebanyakan keluarga di Malaysia. Fenomena tersebut yang semakin menular menyebabkan pihak berkuasa sukar untuk mengabaikan hal tersebut. Justeru, kerajaan Malaysia berusaha untuk mencapai keseimbangan antara mengalakkan kelas tuisyen dalam sektor swasta dan pada waktu yang sama memantau pengurusan mereka.
Indonesian Domestic Workers’ Rights in Malaysia
Memo #75 – Malaysia has experienced a shortage of domestic workers since 2009. This is because Indonesia banned its domestic workers from finding employment in Malaysia, in response to reports of abuse. Negotiations on an inter-state Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to increase labour protection for Indonesian domestic workers have stalled on issues such as minimum wage, days off, and the right of domestic workers to retain their identity documents. The two governments are set to sign the MoU in May 2011, but Malaysia’s recent actions indicate that it may not be entirely committed to the protection of migrant domestic workers.
Governance by Religion Growing Strong in Malaysia: Bureaucratic Islam and Secular Sharia
Memo #22 – Political rivalry between Malaysia’s two largest Muslim parties and an emerging Muslim civil society are obvious causes of the increased impact of Islam in Malaysia. But Islam in the Malaysian polity is also appearing in an unexpected form: as part of a secularizing bureaucracy.